Stefano Piali is a contemporary painter and sculptor. He was born in Rome on January 28, in 1956. Since adolescence Pialihas manifested the need to express himself through drawing and painting. He studied at the Art School in Via Ripetta street and he deepened his sculpture techniques under the guidance of the master PericleFazzini at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, where he graduated in 1978. Later, Piali settled in Marino, where he has taught for several years plastic techniques at «Paolo Mercuri» Institute of Art. Currently, he is teaching at «Cesare Battisti» Art School in Velletri. In 1983 took place Piali’s first solo exhibition: it was the beginning of an intense expressive path through painting and sculpture. Even thoughPiali has always been inspired by such great artists as Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Tiepolo and Dalì, he achieved a strong artistic personality and his own inimitable expressive identity. Through his works the artist holds a dialogue between himself and various expressive materials such as marble, bronze, clay, resins and he shares the same naturalness with pictorial techniques. The themes on which the artist focuses his interest and reflection stood out since his earliest works. The metamorphosis, the movement and flight, centaur and knight heroes are the protagonists of a journey into the unconscious, a journey into the infinite seeking out new dimensions.