Piazza Guglielmo Marconi 6 - 00044 Frascati (RM) (Frascati, Scuderie Aldobrandini)
The human beyond history: The evocative exhibition space of the Aldobrandini Scuderie in Frascati hosts, from Saturday 3 to Sunday 25 February, "The human beyond history" by Stefano Piali, an artist who, for over forty years with his personal pictorial and sculptural sign, is measured in a production that leaves us amazed every time, as well described in the critical text by Ida Mitrano which opens the splendid catalog of the exhibition. The key points of his work lie in the apparent dichotomy between history and tradition, modernity and the past, movement, metamorphosis and stasis which become new scenarios for the artist for his contemporary inspiration.
Sala Consiliare Palazzo Colonna (Marino)
Cycle of pictorial works
Museo Civico (Marino)
Mostra d'Arte Contemporanea
Museo Civico U. Mastroianni Marino (Museo Civico Umberto Mastroianni di Marino)
Maestro Stefano Piali described the evolution of his Opera "Lepanto 100th" which gives an iconographic representation of the Knight in the City of Marino.
(Castelvecchio di Pescia)
The Sacred in Contemporary Art
Museo Civico U. Mastroianni Marino (Marino)
The Castrimeniense Academy proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality of Marino, a leading cultural event involving 24 important artists: Inside the hurricane. The inauguration of the exhibition is scheduled for Sunday 29 May at 6 pm at the U. Mastroianni Civic Museum in the historic center. Furthermore, on 10 June at 6 pm the book 'Dentro l'uragano' by Franco Campegiani will be presented and the finissage of the exhibition is scheduled for Sunday 19 June at 6 pm. Visiting hours are fixed on Saturdays and Sundays from 10-12.30 and 16-19 until 19 June 2022. "Inside the hurricane, from which the artistic and literary exhibition takes its name" specifies the president of the Accademia Castrimeniense Marina Funghi "is the title of Franco Campegiani's latest poetic production. This exhibition focuses on the space-time parallelism of poetry with the expression of contemporary art: the artist immerses himself in the poet's lyrics, swims in his deep but crystalline waters, and re-emerges aware of having been involved in an intimate upheaval. but universal, an earthly but at the same time spiritual union “.
Monterotondo (Galleria d'Arte Grafica "Campioli")
24 Artisti Dentro l’uragano
Genzano (Palazzo Sforza Cesarini)
“Dentro l’uragano” è il titolo della mostra collettiva di arte contemporanea a cura dell'Accademia Castrimeniense al Museo Civico Mastroianni che verrà inaugurata dal 5 novembre al 22 novembre 2022. Le opere sono realizzate da 24 artisti e raffigurano una delle poesie tratte dall’ultimo lavoro, “Dentro l’urgano” appunto, di Franco Campegiani, cittadino marinese affermato poeta, filosofo, saggista, critico letterario e d’arte. Questa mostra si concentra sul parallelismo spazio temporale della poesia con le tecniche della pittura, della scultura e della fotografia.
Piazza Matteotti, 13 - 00047 Marino (Museo Civico)
"I HIGHLIGHTED THE DYNAMICITY AND MODERNITY OF THE HIGH POET WITH A BUST ... TWICE" Among the works of art that have become a symbol of the seventh centenary of Dante's death that the whole world has been celebrating since the beginning of 2021, the "Dante profile" designed and then sculpted by master Stefano Piali, an internationally renowned painter and sculptor, enters by right resident in Marino.
Exhibition of Maestro Piali, open on Saturdays and Sundays 10-13, 16-19.30
Museo Civico Mastroianni , Largo Jacopa de' Settesoli, 00047 Marino RM (Marino)
At the Museo Civico Mastroianni in Marino, the exhibition "In nome di Leonardo" was inaugurated. Celebrates the genius of the Renaissance 500 years after his death. Of the artists invited to the exhibition, some have directly revisited the work of Leonardo while others have chosen, from their journey, a more representative work to pay homage to the Master.
Museo Civico Mastroianni , Largo Jacopa de' Settesoli, 00047 Marino RM (Marino)
n the review "Color harmonies" Maestro Stefano Piali is present with two works. From the cycle of "In mente" Oil on canvas 90x150 cm and a sculptural work in patinated terracotta and iron.
Museo Prom (Varsavia)
Maestro Piali participates with the sculpture "Confronto" at the exhibition of the Italian Cultural Institute in Warsaw.
Exhibition at Umberto Mastroiani Civic Museum of Marino 10th year of the cultural association Castrimeniense Academy. Master Stefano Piali takes part with two works: “L’assu’ … un suono …una luce” (Up there… a sound … a light) Oil on canvas 80x180; “Guerrieri” (“Fighters”) Terracotta h cm. 60 (rare example).
Marino (Museo Civico U.Mastroianni)
From the surface to the third dimension works in clay running.
Via L.Novelli , Velletri (Polo espositivo)
Sculpture class supervised byStefano Piali, opening hours: Monday - Saturday 10.00 -12.00 a.m. / 4.00- 7.00 p.m. Sunday 10.30 - 12.00 a.m.
Largo Palazzo Colonna, 6, 00047 — 00047 Marino , RM (Marino)
Celebrations for the 125° anniversary of the constitution of Firefighters brigade in Marino, sponsored by the Commune of Marino, Stefano Piali has signed the event flyer: The Heroic.
National Exposition of Sacred Art "Croce Veliterna" ("Velettri's Cross") Master Stefano Piali participates with "Madonna del Divino Amore" ("Our Lady of Divine"), Carrara marble h cm 70.
Museo Michetti (Francavilla al Mare)
68thMichetti Award – "Fantasmi di luce - estetichevisionarie da Michetti al presentenel 70° anniversario del premioMichetti" ("Light Ghosts - VisionaryAesthetics from Michetti to present on 70thanniversary of Michetti Awards"), edited by Silvia Pegoraro. From 16thDecember 2017 to 28thJanuary 2018. The National Painting Award F.P. Michetti was established in 1947 in honour of Francesco Paolo Michetti, a painter from Francavilla al Mare. From 1947 until today have taken part in it 20th century’s iconic artists of various and complex tendencies: from Prampolini to Reggiani, from Sassu to Cantatore, from Ceroli to TitinaMaselli. In 1969, when the awards were banned due to the protests of the time, took part in the exhibition Burri, Capogrossi, D'Orazio, Fontana, Turcato, Vedova; the AbruzzeseSpalletti and Summa; the young Kounellis, Mattiacci, Mochetti, Paolini, Prini, Zorio. Master Stefano Piali took part with the work "Fugadalla Storia" (“Escape from History”) triptyque, oil on canvas 250x150 cm.